Simulation : Particles, Fluids, Dynamics, Fracturing

X-Particles : alternative particle system based on parametric principles unlike native C4D particles requiring knowledge of Xpresso. Use C4D effectors to colour, size, distort particles ($)

Turbulence FD : voxel-based fluid dynamics simulation system focused on simulation of fire and smoke ($)

: connection between C4D and Realflow fluid simulation software, focused on simulation of liquids ($)

: framework for physics-based simulations, with its own particle system, able to create fire, smoke and fluids also combing these effects with rigid body dynamics (free 2.8 version) (free)

Storm Tracer
: volumetric placard rendering system for particles, supporting shadows, and functions for plants growth simulation (particles cloning, L-System) info ($)



FlockModifier : modifier object for C4D standard particle system allowing to create flocking/swarming simulation. video (free)

Magic Snow : covers objects with thick snow cover (free)


EasyCloth : helps with cloth simulation ($)


UniFlex : GPU simulation engine for Roper, Soft-Bodies, Cloth, Semi Rigid Bodies ($)


Silver Bullet 4D - Rigid Body Dynamics system, now obsolete, replaced by C4D simulation system.

GeoTools : set of various tools : GeoBreaker multi-threaded fracturing and destruction, Voronoi N-gon Mesh generation, MetaThing., SmoothMesh, TopologyInfoTag ($)


Thrausi 1
: mesh fracturing with spline control for cuts (free)

Thrausi 1.36
: fracturing in a voronoi pattern, using splines to control the cuts Faster, Dynamic Tag, Tool Tag ($)

: automatically fractures and breaks meshes according to dynamics + pyrocluster dust ($)

NitroBlast 2
: automatic collision driven fracturing staring at impact point. The best fracturing from NitroMan ($)

: fracturing limited to painted regions + dust effects ($)

: fractures mesh objects. It can be combined with C4D dynamics to create awesome effects ($)

: Fragments mesh based on Voronoi diagram ($)

TIP : MoGraph effectors can be used to simulate some physical effects like aggregation. Effector plugins are described at the end of the Procedural plugins section


Ocean waves

: deformer creates large ocean waves. video (free)

: deforms a surface so it looks like a deep ocean (free)

aaOcean Suite
: consists of a deformer and a shader allowing to create Amaan Akram’s ocean surface (free)

: wave deformer and foam shader for creation of realistic water interacting with shoreline ($)

Environments, terrains, scattering, plants

DEM Earth
: downloads DEM data to build landscapes models and various maps options are available for material. It can also populate maps with buildings. ($)

: transforms a surface by applying materials with polygons transition between them ($)

: e-on software Vue inside C4D (creation of terrains : height map + sculpting and procedural, skies, 3D clouds, plants, rocks, objects scattering, particles) ($)

Carbon scatter
: e-on EcoSystem scattering from Vue, for C4D (including plants). Manual scattering by painting objects with a brush or procedural ($)

: creates procedural vegetation and rocks and uses Multicloner tool for scattering those objects ($)

Surface spreead
: populate (scatter) large amount of object's clones on surfaces + terrain generator + shaders for terrains and roads ($)

: paint-scattering plugin - allows to paint grass, flowers or any custom objects instances ($)

x-frog : parametric plant creation, procedural modeling, cloning ($)

: creates simple parametric trees with adjustable parameters ($)

IvyGrower : creates an ivy plant creeping to objects (alternative) (free)

Easy Ivy : creates creeper plants ($)

Easy Hedge
: create hedges of any form by covering any mesh with leaves and flowers ($)

Forkroot : generates from main spline soft joints branching for roots, lightnings, tree branches ($)

SplineToGrass : creates grass leafs ($)

TIP : SpeedTree and TPF exports plant models directly to C4D format, including wind animation


HDR, Sky, Atmosphere, Lighting

: Smart IBL loader for efficient HDRI image based lighting (free)

smart IBL loader
: allows to load smart IBL HDRI lighting sets and apply them to C4D scene (free)

Streetview4D : allows to create lightning panoramas using Google Street View. (Beware : Google Street View images are 8bit - so you won't get proper HDRI for GI lighgting) (free alternative) ($)

Atmosphere Shader
: Physical atmosphere material for orbital views (free)

Cloud Factory-ozone
: Procedural sky/atmosphere/volumetric clouds generator from e-on software Vue ($)

Easy Cloud
: helps to create and animate PyroCluster clouds ($)

Extended Starfield : Very customizable 2d starfield shader (free)

Easy Light : 5 scripts helping with setting of directional and area lights : reverse light Z axis, create light at camera position etc... (free)

My IES Designer
: lets create realistic IES lights in C4D by tweaking a few parameters/curves ($)

Photometric IES & LDT Shader
: placed on a point lightsource acts as a GOBO - determining the angledependent
light distribution.($)

Octane Lighting Essentials : 10 customizable lighting studios. ($)

IlluLight : create global lighting ($)
NeoSoftbox : Studio lighting ($)

ct-lightning-generator : generator for creating lightnings (free)

Splinetricity : helps to create and animate electric special effects like electric shocks, bolts, plasma spheres, voltaic arcs etc... ($)

Objects Cloning

Duplicate Object : simple, easy to use generator allowing to clone objects along a line or an arc (free)

CanStack : clones input object to pyramid-syle settings, like food cans. Base shape can be adjusted with a spline (free)

*Greebler : generator that covers objects with huge quantity of small, predefined shapes or user defined objects (shop, examples, TUT1, 2 ) ($)

Populate : extends Mograph toolset, helps create unique clones by providing variation for clones parameters eg. deformer bending strength ($)

Power Cloner : Populates target objects with clones by projecting them like light from an emitter. Especially suited for placing tiles on roofs ($)

Lumen 2 : general purpose cloning generator similar to MoGraph cloner in object mode. Also an advanced lighting tool (lights are cloned over an object surface and their luminance is driven by material (free)

plugEllo : little brother of MoGraph - set of 7 cloning plugins, 4 variation shaders and 3 post-effects plugins ($)

Tip: notice that scattering of any objects is possible with vegetation scattering plugins like mentioned above Carbon scatter, Forester , Surface spreead , GrassPainter

Objects arrangement

: populate object with instances of other objects by painting them. (variation, painting along a line etc..) Also includes Polygon Paint Tool for retopology ($)

Target 4D : help to place objects on other objects : move or copy selected objects +simple cloning/scattering (random brush, along a line, along a grid) ($)

allows not only sketching objects on other objects surface, but also placing or paint-scattering any custom objects on a flat surface (free)

Place Object
: helps to place objects within scene on other objects. Especialy suited for architectural use (modes to place objects on floor, walls celling) ($)

HB Paste from HB ModellingBundle provides the easiest way of placing objects on other objects using cut/copy and pasting clones under mouse pointer ($)

Shuffler : allows to shuffle objects in the scene, by placing different objects in other objects positions, exchanging their materials etc... (free)


TIP 3: UV Deformer / Magic Projector allows to project an object on target object surface using its UV's ( object is deformed and "glued" to target object, in the same way as texture is)

Magic Gravity : uses C4D dynamics to drop objects in natural way e.g. a tall object can fall to its side, a bunch of objects become scattered etc... Can be very slow on complex objects (free)

DropIt! Pro : drops objects on surface of target object. Even high polygon objects can be dropped. Unfortunately the interface is overcomplicated as for such a simple operation ($)

DropIt! : Similar to DropIt! Pro plugin, but much slower, so only a small number of simple meshes can be droped efficiently. (free)

Drop To Floor : drops an object to the floor (making its minimum Y point equal 0) (free)

Drop Tag : Tag places object onto the surface of a target mesh, object remains on the surface even if underlying mesh is modified (free)

Ground Tag : restrain object's axis to y=0 level in world coordinates (when moved, object's axis remains locked to y=0 even if object is rotated) (free)

xsYLock : the same as the free Ground Tag - locks or transfers objects on the floor level y=0 ($)

Magnets : Selective Object Snapping Plugin: Use magnet points or lines in your own 3D Objects to snap object together at defined snapping points or lines (video 1, 2) ($)

xsAlign : ads an arrangement tag to a group of objects and dynamicaly aligns objects in between the first and last object (free)

Al'em : aligns selected objects to a specified objects using various criteria (free)

Align & Distribute : aligns or evenly distributes the children of the selected object (free)

Aligner : alignment, distribution and adjustment of objects positions, considering their geometry and/or axis ($)
CD Transfer Tools : set of tools helping in transferring objects around in the scene (video) ($)  

Tip : it is possible to paint object's instances on target objects and even sweep painted instances using only C4D tools - see tutorial.

Architectural / Stage / Film Scenes Setting


: helps to model apartments and populate them with objects ($)

TuileGenerator : creates tiles on roofs ($)

Window Generator & PlacementTool
: creation and placement of windows for architectural visualizations ($)

:creates windows and doors (for architects) ($)

: helps to create, customize, position and rig shutters (e.g. for architectural modeling) ($)

+ Stairs 4D : creates fences and stairs (for architects) ($)

: architectural plugin for creating all kind of handrails (and of course other structures, eg. fences or grids) ($)

Interior Builder
: helps to create furniture ($)

: place book object in shelves and randomizes them + flip page animation ($)

Easy Chesterfield
: helps to create Chesterfield effects for pillows, couches, sofas and similar (free)

: generates parametric euro-style sidewalks (free)

Deluxe : creates neon lights and tubing from splines

Stage : provides a toolkit to organize and control a large number of light fixtures. Useage of presets for all functions of lights gives a fast way to generate different looks. Create your own library of fixtures and connect them to presets. ($)

CineDesigner : allows to visualize real world camerawork and lighting scenarios

Other plugins of interest for architects :

Picture 2 Plane - assists in creation of billboards from libraries of images ($)
Image 2 Plane - assists in creation of billboards from libraries of images ($)
People in Motion helps to create animated crowds

Creators & funny stuff :

Chain Generator
: helps to create and animate mechanical chains (e.g. for bike, tank, chainsaw...) ($)

FuV Screw Generator
: Xpresso setup generating screws (free)

Easy Net
: creates nets and grids ($)

Spider Web
: py generator creates customisable spline in form of spider web. Web is stretched between user defined objects or automatically using ray-cast (free)

: generates a spider's web object (sweep nurb or spline) between user defined anchor points ($)

: creates the famous Newell teapot as a parametric object (free)

: generates a procedural egg primitive object Including the shell, white and yold (free)

XMAS Lights
: Creates strings of Christmas Lights from splines

Magic Xtree
: creator of Christmas trees (free)

Magic Snowman
: creator of snowmen (free)

: creates pumpkins (free)

Magic Eye
: helps to create eyes (free)

Magic Feather : creates feathers from splines (free)


Magic Book
: helps to create a book from scanned images and animate its pages (free)

Magic Puzzle
: helps to create parametric puzzle objects from images (free)

Magic Snake Ladder
: a game inside C4D - just for fun (free)

: game in C4D for fun (free)





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